60 Humor E

Humor me thus means indulge me in the sense of gimme some slack or gimme a break but less aggressive than these it is used most often as an appeal at once gentle.
Humor e. 4 humor wit refer to an ability to perceive and express a sense of the clever or amusing. Humor from the new yorker including news satire by andy borowitz funny cartoons and comics daily shouts and shouts murmurs. Humor consists principally in the recognition and expression of incongruities or peculiarities present in a situation or character. Going along with something that seems stupid or pointless for the sake of the other person. Directed by sam hoffman. Humor h yo omər noun. Perhaps agreeing with someone just to keep them happy.
With joey slotnick bernie mcinerney elliott gould tibor feldman. Sometimes young children come and tell us tall tales. See spelling differences is the tendency of experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement. When children tell us such stories as adults it is our job to believe them. Humor as a verb means literally to indulge or tolerate someone s humor noun where the noun intends not the modern sense of joking or a transient mood but the now archaic sense of temperament or idiosyncracy or eccentricity. A child may tell us that there was a tiger in the garden and that he drove it away with a stick. What is the meaning of this phrase.
They narrate events which couldn t have happened.